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FREE Veterinary confidence webinar - 1 hour CPD

Have you every wondered why some vets and nurses just naturally radiate confidence, whilst you question everything you do? 

Perhaps you struggle with anxiety and self-doubt, and worry that you don't have what it takes to stay in the veterinary profession for the long haul.

In this Webinar CMI certified Coach and veteran veterinary surgeon Louise Littler and Advanced therapist Jo Howarth discuss what confidence is and how to find or re-gain it, and the relationship between anxiety, confidence and ability. 

The webinar also includes super simple techniques that you can build into your day to help increase your wellbeing and begin the journey to a happier, calmer more confident you. 

This webinar is completely FREE so sign up now and watch on your desktop or mobile device.

*By providing your email address you agree to us sending you more useful information on 
confidence and wellbeing plus exclusive offers on our CPD services. You can subscribe
from these at any time.

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